Monday 11 July 2016

Executive Training - A Tool of Learning

Executive training also referred to as executive coaching aims at improvement of skill set or managing changes in business growth. It is considered as one of the most critical aspects of a company. Many companies are now days implementing executive coaching in their business process in order to upgrade the knowledge base of the workforce. It helps in understanding the upbeat market trends and crisis management at a significant level. There are certain prime benefits of executive coaching which are as follows.
  • Increasing the knowledge base of the workforce in turn increases the productivity of the employees. This results in business and revenue growth in long term.
  • It opens up the insight regarding the areas of improvement in terms of knowledge. It also helps in bringing out the skill set of certain employees to a great extent. 
  •  Imparting knowledge through executive coaching helps in faster advancement of business process which gives better outcome in the long term. 
  • The executive training can be used for the development of the management skill. It helps in developing decision making abilities and crisis management. The executives can then be considered for the managerial roles and strategic planning.
  • It helps in professional growth which is facilitated with the help of feedback system. 
  • The company can be benefited with increased brand loyalty and higher retention rate. Employees feel confident about their company and this builds up a dependable professional relationship.
  • A well informed and knowledgeable workforce helps in attracting new clientele for the business.
  • The executive training programs induces a positive attitude towards daily tasks and work environment.
With all these benefits there are certain factors which have to be kept in mind while implementing executive training within an organization.
  • A thorough research has to be done at first in order to understand the current standing of the workforce in terms of skill set and at the same time latest market innovations. Based on these two factors the training program should be designed and developed.
  • A consistent standard should be maintained in terms of coaching material, trainer and the entire system so that the process is beneficial both at the employee and the employer end.
  • An assessment system should be in place in order to analyze the level of understanding and implementation of the executives. It also helps in recognizing any short falls of the program. 
  • The feedback system should be in place in order to understand the executive opinion about the program and any other requirement for additions.
  • The program should be intended towards individual knowledge gain rather than the overall impact. This helps in building of skill set at a micro level.
  • The final evaluation of the training program should be done to understand the end to end impact on the workforce. 
  • Since the executive training program design and implementation requires analysis and planning to a certain level, so an executive search firm can be appointed for the purpose.

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